In regard to the seemingly unanimously poor reviews of 2014's "Annabelle," timid expectations of this origin story are more than understandable. Despite well-deserved dubiousness, however, "Annabelle: Creation" served to be an undoubtedly frightening flick. While still not exempt from horror movie clichés, even the seemingly predictable moments brought a definite scare.
What was refreshing to me about "Annabelle: Creation" was that it was able to deliver old tricks in an exhilarating way. Sure, you know that chairs will rock with no wind, doors will open and close on their own, and lifeless creatures become not-so-lifeless. However, in the case of "Annabelle: Creation," these tactics are delivered in an unexpected way and in an unexpected timely manner that will not disappoint audiences. Instead of the first scare basically being a result of relieved boredom, the first notable scare is not only fast-acting but arguably the loudest scream of the entire movie. Indeed, joy is to be served in seeing an old dog learn new tricks.
Too often in horror movies there is an over-abundance in gory deaths that leave only a handful of characters alive--characters that are usually not cared about and serve little if anything to the quality of the film. However, here we can witness a cast that is able to keep characters around long enough for the audience to actually care about them before their coming to an ultimate demise. Sometimes it is OK to care about horror movie victims. Another unorthodox pleasantry to be found is that the brutal deaths are kept to a necessity. Characters are not being offed left and right, nor are they unrealistically escaping deadly supernatural entities.
If I had to write about a particular criticism regarding "Annabelle: Creation," it would be the disappointing lack of "Annabelle" in it. While I appreciated the development of various angles to the origin story behind the doll and the ability to not have a repeat of the previous film, the movie would almost be more appropriately named after a character that shall remain nameless to avoid spoilers. Although those who have seen the movie know who I'm talking about. I was also disappointed in the fact that the climax was most definitely anticlimactic. While waiting for the greatest scare to come at the end of the movie, audiences will react with an, "....Oh. Huh. It's over."
Despite everything, the fact of the matter is I was looking behind me and quickly avoiding sight of my shadow for an evening or two after seeing this movie. As a horror movie lover, I'm never one to lose sleep over any movie outside of "The Exorcist." While I didn't lose any sleep after my late-night showing of "Annabelle: Creation," I did gain a previously nonexistent source of anxiety for a solid day or so. However, that may be due to the fact that I have a doll belonging to my late grandmother in my house that dangerously resembles Mr. Marbles from "The Chicken Roaster" episode of "Seinfeld" (season nine).
While you may not find as many creatively nerve-rattling scares as you would in "The Conjuring" or "Sinister," you will not find a lack of screams and horrified faces in any audience viewing "Annabelle: Creation." This movie deserves about a 68%, deeming it just past the defining line of being
Theater Worthy
What was refreshing to me about "Annabelle: Creation" was that it was able to deliver old tricks in an exhilarating way. Sure, you know that chairs will rock with no wind, doors will open and close on their own, and lifeless creatures become not-so-lifeless. However, in the case of "Annabelle: Creation," these tactics are delivered in an unexpected way and in an unexpected timely manner that will not disappoint audiences. Instead of the first scare basically being a result of relieved boredom, the first notable scare is not only fast-acting but arguably the loudest scream of the entire movie. Indeed, joy is to be served in seeing an old dog learn new tricks.
Too often in horror movies there is an over-abundance in gory deaths that leave only a handful of characters alive--characters that are usually not cared about and serve little if anything to the quality of the film. However, here we can witness a cast that is able to keep characters around long enough for the audience to actually care about them before their coming to an ultimate demise. Sometimes it is OK to care about horror movie victims. Another unorthodox pleasantry to be found is that the brutal deaths are kept to a necessity. Characters are not being offed left and right, nor are they unrealistically escaping deadly supernatural entities.
If I had to write about a particular criticism regarding "Annabelle: Creation," it would be the disappointing lack of "Annabelle" in it. While I appreciated the development of various angles to the origin story behind the doll and the ability to not have a repeat of the previous film, the movie would almost be more appropriately named after a character that shall remain nameless to avoid spoilers. Although those who have seen the movie know who I'm talking about. I was also disappointed in the fact that the climax was most definitely anticlimactic. While waiting for the greatest scare to come at the end of the movie, audiences will react with an, "....Oh. Huh. It's over."

While you may not find as many creatively nerve-rattling scares as you would in "The Conjuring" or "Sinister," you will not find a lack of screams and horrified faces in any audience viewing "Annabelle: Creation." This movie deserves about a 68%, deeming it just past the defining line of being

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