"Incredible" Might Be Overselling "Incredibles 2"

Image result for incredibles 2 movie poster

After 14 years of desire and anticipation after what is arguably the best animated movie of all-time, you have to wonder if Incredibles 2 was doomed before it even began.  Although, to be honest, I wasn't too worried, because, after all, this is Disney/Pixar we're talking about.  Plus, they haven't had any duds outside of the Cars sequels.  I wasn't a huge fan of Monsters University or The Good Dinosaur, but they weren't botches by any means.  Although I am sure that there are several folks (myself included) that will never forgive Disney for the way they've butchered Star Wars.  Regardless, at least they knew what they were doing with Incredibles 2.  

All the characters we adore, missed, and thoroughly enjoy are back, and as good as ever.  Incredibles 2 focused more greatly on Elastigirl than it's predecessor, which isn't inherently better or worse if you ask me.  I was worried this sequel would become a mediocre derivative of the O.G.; but rest assured, it was quite fun.  Jack-Jack was the crux of the humor, and--while hilarious--was a substitute for some of the witty, dry humor found in The Incredibles.  I'm sure I laughed just as hard during this one (or harder), despite the humor being somewhat child-oriented.  I can't say I blame them on that one.  

On a similar note, I loved all the voiceover work in Incredibles 2.  I wasn't old enough to appreciate the voice acting in The Incredibles back in the day, but Incredibles 2 is just as good.  Several new characters are introduced, and definitely hold their own with the original cast.  I'll tell ya, Bob Odenkirk has become the new J.K. Simmons--that dude is in everything.  With a very distinct voice, I'll add.  Additionally, none of the original characters became mutants of themselves, for which I was quite grateful.  Although I could have used more Samuel L. Jackson.  He's a top-10 actor for me, and his voice is grotesquely underrated.  

The action scenes were also very, very fun to watch.  Animation has become incredibly substantial, and is getting better and better with every animated movie.  Sure, there were instances where the line between fun and overly ridiculous was flirted with (or even crossed), but I'm willing to let that go.  I mean, if Mr. Fredricksen can arrive at Paradise Falls completely by accident, I think the Parr family should be allowed to pull off these stunts. 

Right from the get-go, there was a lot happening.  Several different plot lines were happening at once, and it definitely became a balancing act.  Many movies attempt this and fail, but Incredibles 2 kept itself fast, entertaining, and balanced.

At least for the first two acts, anyway. 

Indeed, while the movie in its entirety wasn't random or nonsensical, unfortunately, the balancing act took a bit of a tumble during the third act.  It's not that it completely fell apart, but the plot took a turn for the (slightly) worse, and just didn't maintain the greatness of the first two acts.  Several characters were unnecessarily introduced, and contributed almost nothing to the plot.  It just became about something different than it started out to be.  Don't get me wrong--I didn't hate it.  But I will say that it became too complex for its own good.  In short, it just ended up trying a little too hard. 

Part of that problem stems from the fact that the villain in Incredibles 2 is grade-A useless.  Although, considering the villain, I'm honestly impressed the movie was this good.  I was particularly disappointed about that, because Syndrome is one of the best comic book villains to date.  I have no doubt that's a large contribution to the success of The Incredibles.  A smart, developed, rational villain with an intimate relationship to the protagonists.  That's how it's done.

It may sound like I'm being overly critical, and maybe I am.  The only issue is that I'm forced to compare it to The Incredibles, which is basically an incomparable movie.  The primary difference between the two, I'd say, is that The Incredibles was far smoother.  It's not far better than it's sequel, but it is better, which shouldn't be a surprise.  Incredibles 2 isn't perfect, but it's leaps and bounds better than most sequels, and is still the best Disney/Pixar sequel without the Toy Story name in front of it.  

Incredibles 2 is quite good, and deserves every bit of an 86%.  It may not quite be incredible, but it's definitely 

Theater Worthy.
Oh, and by the way, the movie titles are The Incredibles and Incredibles 2.  Not The Incredibles 2, and certainly not Incredibles 1 or The Incredibles 1.  No movie that's first in series has a "one" after it, and we need to stop referring to them as such.  
